Anti-Spam Policy

This policy applies to all services provided by Crudoimage Photographic Technologies Private Limited (Brand Name: GROW10X.Business) that involve the transmission of bulk emails or commercial messages.

By using our services, you agree to abide by Crudoimage Photographic Technologies Private Limited (Brand Name: GROW10X.Business)’s Anti-Spam Policy. Our services may only be used for sending emails or messages to individuals who have expressly granted permission to receive such communications. We take our Anti-Spam Policy seriously, and any violation may result in the termination of your user account.

Definition of Permission

Permission to send commercial emails may be obtained through:

  • Submission of an email address during a download process or product/service ordering.
  • Subscription to an email newsletter via a form on your website.
  • Participation in contests, events, or surveys with the understanding that marketing emails will be sent.
  • Checking an opt-in checkbox on a form indicating willingness to receive commercial emails, provided the checkbox is unchecked by default.
  • Exchange of business cards at trade shows where the recipient has expressed a willingness to receive commercial emails.

The guiding principle is simple: Do not use our services to send emails to recipients without their explicit permission to receive such emails.

Compliance Requirements

To ensure compliance with our Anti-Spam Policy, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • Obtain explicit permission from recipients before contacting them via email and maintain proof of permission.
  • Do not import or send emails to addresses acquired from third parties, purchased, rented, or collected from other websites.
  • Ensure all routing and header information is accurate and truthful.
  • Avoid using subject lines that mislead recipients about the content of the email.
  • Provide a one-click unsubscribe option in all emails and honor opt-out requests within 10 days.
  • Include a valid physical postal address in all marketing emails.
  • Clearly indicate in marketing emails that the message is an advertisement or solicitation and provide recipients with the option to opt out.


We reserve the right to request proof of permission for any email addresses imported to our services. Failure to comply with our Anti-Spam Policy may result in account termination.

Your use of our services constitutes acceptance of this Anti-Spam Policy.

If you have any questions about our Anti-Spam Policy or wish to report spamming activity, please contact our abuse department at:





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